著者:Sumito Sam Okamoto



What does a man ponder when he begins to think about retirement after so-called middle age? A man, who is fed up with luxurious city life with full of things and fancy food, craves dry wilderness. However, when he stands in the wilderness, he realizes that what he really wants is neither a sight to get rid of the feeling of satiation nor a feeling of steering through the desert.
What he finds is not the wilderness, but the widely spread landscape inside him by meeting people, involving others, and sharing the fate with others.
In the landscape, he finds himself that was almost forgotten. Then he starts walking.
Young men who he meets also find their own landscapes and start walking, toward their mother road Route 66.
This is an epic work with more than 500 pages. Readers will realize America’s grandeur and diversity as the main character drives through the land. As his experiences of each day unfold, you can loosen your hearts and find your new life possibilities. This book makes you discover your new self yet true self.


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