著者:Jerry Davenport
¥686 → ¥0
You heard about the Metaverse recently?
You saw people making tons of money by selling NFTs?
You want to know how to get on the moving train?
This book, The Metaverse: An Introduction to Our Future, explains everything you need to know about the Metaverse in a simple and straightforward way. It introduces you to our future by covering the following chapters:
- What Is the Metaverse?
- What the Metaverse Has to Offer
- Who Is in Charge of the Metaverse?
- Characteristics of the Metaverse
- History of the Metaverse
- How the Metaverse Works
- What Exactly Are NFTs?
- How Do NFTs Work?
- Applications of the Metaverse
- When Will the Metaverse Be Real?
- How to Create Your Identity in the Metaverse and the Role of NFTs
- The Metaverse and Cryptocurrencies
- How to Invest in the Metaverse, NFTs, and Cryptocurrencies
- How to Create NFTs in the Metaverse and How to Sell Them
- Strategies for Investing and Profiting from the Metaverse
Learn everything about the Metaverse, as it will come inevitably. The Metaverse is our future.
The sooner you get on board, the better!
Disclaimer: This book is for informational purposes. It is not investment advice.
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