著者:tracy tailor


Tired of spending a fortune in medicines and treatments without curing your pain? Millions of people suffer from debilitating pain and inflammation each and every day. Sometimes doctors are not properly trained in curing or managing pain especially when the cause is not so clear, for example in case of chronic pain. This is why the fastest thing a doctor can do in order to get rid of you and make some profit is prescribe some painkillers or worse, some generic treatment which is ineffective, dangerous and expensive. Medicines can have risks and side effects as well as benefits, some medicines can cause dependence and addiction when you take them over some time. And most treatments focus on relieving or managing the pain instead of locating the cause and eliminating it So why take the risk when you have other options? This book helps the reader understand what pain is, where it comes from, and most importantly, how to get rid of it. After reading this book you will learn:
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