著者:Chris Sutton


For those who are serious about life and serious about success!

In this book you will discover:
•Why desire is key
•What are the two types of goals?
•Why the most successful people fail the most
•What are the three classes of goals?
•How to make your list work
•How to put the compounding effect of goal setting to work for you
•The hidden benefits of goal setting
•and much more!

You can accomplish everything you ever wanted out of life, and more. Chris Sutton shows you how.

Many other people have already learned how to use the principles of Black Belt to achieve everything they want out of life. Now is your chance to do the same – without ever having to set foot in a dojo.

“You‘re born, and then you die. The good news is,
What happens in between is up to you!”

Chris Sutton is a successful businessman and author, as well as a lifetime martial artist. The principles he teaches have been developed based on extensive practical experience in real-life situations. People from all walks of life have used them to achieve success in every aspect of their lives.

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