著者:Freya Hoffmeister


Water, waves and a lot of wind: Welcome to the world of Freya Hoffmeister. Since many years, the renowned expedition paddler is one of the most successful extreme athletes in the world. After circumnavigating Iceland, New Zealand South and Australia, she started 2011 on her second continent, a project that no one has ever done before: The first circumnavigation of South-America in a sea kayak. It took Freya four years to complete the journey which she describes in this book, stretching from the Panama Canal to Cape Horn, over thirteen countries, 27.000 km and with two-times crossing the equator: Thrilling adventures, breathtaking nature observations, bizarre animal encounters, but also the fight with the merciless elements of life and death.

In her fascinating travel report, Freya Hoffmeister tells the exciting story of her unique achievement – The First Circumnavigation of South-America!

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