著者:Finediningindian Ltd

We are so grateful and happy that Fine dining Indian is Recognised Worldwide for its Vision, Our readers are increasing day by day.

we are incredibly thankful for Chef Srijith Manjunath mural, Ms Anjula Devi sharing her life success with Finediningindian.

I would personally like to thank My wife Supriya premaraj, and all the esteemed personalities contributed to the magazine.

We urge all Indian chefs around the globe to provide your recipes and articles for our future issues. We are also looking for promoters, through product placement advertisement.

From September 1st onwadsMs. Supriya Premaraj will be looking after the Magazine and its editorial side.

Please write to

With Gratitude,
Bobby Retnakumar Geetha

Vision : worlds best Fine dining indian Food magazine . which covers Indian chefs, Indian recipes, Indian women in food industry and many more great cause in relation with Indian food.

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