著者:Nakiya Tate
¥309 → ¥0
This book is about a queen who was broken, torn, and damaged in the mist of trying to find herself. She had to figure it out on her own. Finding herself was a challenge, her passions and purpose didn‘t seem to exist. She had to make unsure decisions on her own. As she rediscovered who she was, evaluated her now and created a process that she used to grow, become successful and fulfilled in life, she embraced her truth and evolved into her purpose. She connected her inner self with her values and became self-aware of the things that were in tune with her. A queen was birth out of a women who couldn‘t see her purpose. She was living in a cold world crying silently for help. Now she has nominated the “Queen” to Plan, Create, Show up and Follow through in all areas of her life.
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