著者:Andrew Aziz


Andrew Aziz describes technology, strategy, and psychology as the three essential pillars of successful trading, and he knows that the psychological aspects of trading are the most likely to be underestimated or even ignored. He wrote Mastering Trading Psychology to help traders enhance their understanding of this crucial pillar of trading and to strengthen their “mental skills” in order to maximize their performance.This practical and highly entertaining book takes its readers inside the minds of ordinary retail traders who contributed more than 175 accounts of their successes, their failures, their joys, their struggles, and, most of all, what they have learned as traders. Some are experienced, but many are relative beginners. They represent an intriguing diversity in terms of where they live, their ages, their levels of education, their everyday jobs, and how they tell their stories. All are members of Andrew’s trading community, and their enthusiastic response to his invitation to share their experiences and insights was overwhelming. Complemented by Andrew’s explanatory text, the stories are told in the contributors’ own words, minimally edited for length, clarity, and privacy.
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