著者:Douglas Seamans


This program is my brain child after completing Gregor’s original conjugate program and wanting to write a program that was more long cycle specific, and wanting to double the length of the program and add some volume. I also wanted to add in some more strength and conditioning work. All of the information in this program and it’s design, is the culmination of training under multiple coaches, competing at three IUKL world championships and multiple national championships in America and Canada as well as European championships. I am an advocate for learning from as many people as possible, and this program uses information and methods learned from not only Gregor Sobocan, but all of my coaches, as well as methods and theories developed by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell, and a few tricks we developed at our gym Pride Conditioning. I truly hope you enjoy this program and I am confident you will have “fun” with it! This program is challenging but doable, and it is great for intermediate and advanced lifters looking for a different format in their off-season training.
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