

If you don‘t have much space in your garden but want to grow your own vegetables, don‘t worry, many vegetables can be successfully grown in containers or grow bags. Whether you have pots or window boxes, you can grow a range of vegetables from herbs to tomatoes.

Bags of vegetables can be dotted around your garden, even placed in amongst the flower beds, or you can create an attractive and useful arrangement of grow bags outside your kitchen for easy access. If grow bag gardening appeals to you there are a few things to consider before you start.

There are many types of grow bags you can buy nowadays and you can grow vegetables or herbs successfully. Grow bags are a useful way of growing vegetables, particularly tomatoes and cucumbers. Old compost sacks or dustbins can be used to grow potatoes. Also, try growing tomatoes in a hanging basket. Choose a tumbling variety that will cascade down and provide you delicious fruit all summer.

The size of your grow bag is very important. It may seem obvious that you aren‘t going to grow much in a liter sized bag, but it‘s worth noting that many vegetables grow quite large and of course, the more space you allow, the more crops you can grow.

If you want to grow root vegetables such as carrots or parsnips, which often benefit from grow bags because there is less obstruction to the growth of the root from stones or large clods of earth, choose a deep grow bag. Root vegetables need a bag with a depth of at least 30cm. Use shallower grow bags for growing salad crops such as lettuce or radish, or herbs.

Another great advantage of using a grow bag is that they are easy to monitor. Drainage is very important, so you will need to make sure you have plenty of drainage holes in your grow bags. You can also cover the bottom with broken shards of pots which will also help with drainage.

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