著者:Becky Long


There‘s a good reason why so many of us gravitate toward asparagus during the spring and summer months: it‘s one of the first crops to be harvested in the spring, and the spears picked fresh during the growing season are more tender and delicious. Even better, this adaptable green is high in B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and iron, making it a nutritious (and welcome) addition to any meal or snack.

However, while the prospect of growing asparagus may seem daunting, it should not be: When starting a vegetable garden, asparagus is a fantastic choice because it‘s one of the few perennial vegetables that will produce fresh spears year after year with little space and effort on your part. Even though it takes three years for asparagus plants to reach maturity, the wait will be well worth it once you have a plentiful supply of nutritious spears at your disposal.
Now, whether you‘re growing asparagus from seed or spears, here‘s everything you need to know about growing asparagus.

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