


Haven‘t you ever done something that you thought was just lighthearted fun, but which you later came to regret? Oh, if we could only take it back. Find out what Gon gets up to and how he goes about making amends. Gon the Fox is a classic Japanese children‘s story which also gives us a fascinating insight into the culture and lifestyle of the Japanese people.
This kindle version also contains a bonus story by Kenji Miyazawa – The Restaurant of Many Orders

Little J Books‘ Bilingual Japanese Classics are a wonderful introduction to Japanese literature. As a further bonus, this kindle version also contains two-way links with the original Japanese text, providing a fun way for people to improve their reading in Japanese in a setting that is far more interesting than a language text book.

About the Author
Nankichi Niimi was born Shohachi Watanabe in what is now Handa City, Aichi Prefecture, on July 30, 1913, with the year 2013 marking 100 years since his birth. Gon the Fox is studied by every Japanese child in elementary school and it was recently estimated that over 60 million people have read this story, which he wrote at just 18 years of age. Although Niimi went on to write a large number of poems and short stories, such as Buying Mittens, Granpa‘s Lamp and When the Thieves Came to Hananoki Village before his death from tuberculosis at age 29, Gon the Fox is undoubtedly the most famous and well-loved of all his works, and perhaps the most famous Japanese children‘s story of all time.


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