著者:Michael K Agner


All of the chapters can be categorized as introduction, rigging, informative and short story, but they all retain to fresh water paddle fishing from canoes and kayaks The book is influenced by the geographical influence of North Central and North East Florida. However these areas are recognized or can be easily generalized to other areas.

Canoes and kayaks have a rich history that date back to prehistoric times, and more recently includes the influence of Bill Mason and Tim Niemier. This history and the structural assets and advantages of both canoe and kayak are covered.

All paddle fishing forums are cluttered with sample rigging illustrations; consequently, several chapters are dedicated to rigging illustrations common to the subject of paddle fishing.

Sometimes a story is the more entertaining than diy projects, and several chapters are committed to the short story format. Each story is selected to illustrate something of value to the subject of paddle fishing.

Perhaps more importantly than the informational categories of the book is the veneration of paddle fishing that is interwoven throughout the book. That veneration acknowledges the skill demand of paddle fishing compared to the traditional fishing methods. It emphasized the ease with which the paddle boat can enter into the environment without disruption and the ability to observe nature without disruption.

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