著者:Marc Prinz (著) › Marc PrinzのAmazon著者ページを見る 著者の作品一覧、著者略歴や口コミなどをご覧いただけます この著者の 検索結果 を表示 Marc Prinz


Ask yourself this question, ”Do you want to make a good living doing what you love?” Is your love Fishing?
This book is packed full of the best straight-forward, time-saving and money-saving advice you can get on how to become a fishing guide. You will have all the information you need to become a fishing guide right here. Even if you are already a fishing guide, this book will help you make even more money with my additional strategies and tips. I show you how to get and keep clients, then how to have those clients bring you even more clients.
If you have a passion for the outdoors and want to go out on your own, realize your dream and make great money doing what you love, then this book is for you.
In this book I show you from beginning to end what you need to know to become a fishing guide. By following the steps in this book, the dream of being a fishing guide and making money doing what you love can become a reality. Buy the book now to find out how!
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