著者:Richard Paullin


Book Two like Book One continues with the same mission statement: to explain to us, the American people, why our worlds are crumbling right before our very eyes and how we can get our personal lives and our country back on track.
Book Two analyzes the following topics: white flight, bussing, victimization, deterioration of American cities, pillars 14-31 of political correctness, the destruction of the math, English, science, and history-social studies curricula, communism in the classroom, Ebonics v. Standard American English, parents v. teachers, educrats, women’s rights movement, gay rights movement, the misery of creativity, pass-fail v. letters-numbers, the level-playing-field, multiculturalism, class warfare, hippy hatreds – American flag, God, crosses, and various holidays, meaningless praise of children, legal eagle loony logic, corruption of our legal system, and a look at the events that shaped the election year, 2012, the year that brings this book to a close.
Book Three will look at solutions that are simple in concept but difficult to implement because we, the people, don’t want solutions that impinge upon our life styles or our misguided understanding of the Constitution and our civil rights.
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