著者:熊谷 正 (写真)


Central Jawa 1989 1999

I traveled Bali and Java for the first time in 1989, in order to documentary photo ‘Leather Shadow Puppet Drama‘ (Wayang Kulit) and Court Dance.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, with more than 13000 islands. Each has it‘s own culture of entertainment.
Especially,The Central Jawa of Yogyakarta and Solo is remains a buildings to leave the vestiges of the Dutch colonial era.
it’s a castle town that has flourished around the Royal Palace.
Those places reminded me of old time Japan.
I felt time went slower there, and found meeting the local people and the Mangkunegaran royals a heartwarming and rewarding experience.
It‘s for this reason that I have returned each year for the past 20 years. I will never tire of Indonesia.

ジャワ島中部 1989 1999



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