著者:Mandy Deville


Who would have thought PE class could be deadly? Nobody. Especially not Chavione. Although given the circumstances of her ridiculed and miserable teenage life as the only minority and lesbian in her prestigious school, death might have been a welcome escape.

As it was, the errant jai alai ball did not kill her as it should have, rather, it set into motion the beginning of a dangerous adventure Chavione never would have thought possible and had she had the choice, would not have asked for in a million years.

In order to save her only daughter, Chavione‘s mother takes a terrible risk, injecting her daughter with a serum containing bits of ancient DNA from a powerful race of people long extinct. While the serum saves Chavione‘s life, they learn very quickly that nothing, not even a miracle comes without a cost.

Soon Chavione finds herself navigating strange and frightening waters. Her mother disappears, she begins to lose herself in the body of a creature she doesn‘t understand and can‘t control, and very interested and ruthless parties make it clear they will stop at nothing to secure the serum for themselves.

With only her new abilities and her best friend Calvin, Chavione embarks on a quest to find her mother, escape her pursuers, and reverse the lightening quick metamorphosis into the powerful fire breathing creature she has become.

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