著者:Yuan Fang (著, イラスト),


Datian is an ordinary kid, just like every other kid. She crys, laughs, makes trouble, learning to be angry, learning to be self-discipline, learing to grow up.
That’s the inspiration for this book 《Dear Girl》, a collection of stories about the interesting and embarrassing moments in Datian’s life written by her dad and illustrated by her mom.
“Neither rejoice over public praise nor fret over slanders.” All parents records little things for their kids in various forms – diaries,photos, albums and short videos. The way they show their love might be different, but the nature of their affections is the same. 
Hope that in the heart of all of us, who were once kids, and of all the kids who will eventually grow up, will live a curious kid, so we can see the world with the purest eyes, and treat the world with a most sincere heart.
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