

This story is written in the language Japanese, no.1164-1308. The Japanese secret agency‘s attitude which was the special higher police has ever not changed throughout since the prewar of WW2 against the whole citizens.Cruel and atrocious,anarchy groups which have no political thought. We expose actual state of their control upon citizens and report many damages of victim by them, through the means of them for the sake of nowadays the constitution‘s coming true upon us try to persuit their breaking up. 
1164-1308回。 戦前から一貫して公安警察(旧特高)の国民に対する姿勢は変わっていない。 残虐非道、政治思想のないアナーキー集団。住民統制の実際を暴き、その多くの被害者の被害を報告し、もって、現憲法の実現を図るために、公安警察の解散を追及して行くものである。



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