著者:Robin Barratt


There are no complicated chemical structures or complex explanations here, just some basic facts and figures, in layman‘s terms, on what sorts of steroids are used in bodybuilding today and how bodybuilders use them, including the most commonly used steroids on the market, how they are used and in what quantities, as well as Post Steroid Therapy, Human Growth Hormone, Mechano Growth Factor, IGF1, insulin, growth hormone releasing peptides and examples of various stacks and cycles. Also profiled is Sanabolicum; the most talked about anabolic steroid on the planet. If you are going to use steroids, or thinking about it, and want some quick, easy-to-read basic information in one place, rather than getting lost amongst the thousands of pages and millions of words on the Internet, and getting confused with the complex structures and explanations, then this is definitely the ebook for you!
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