著者:S G Read


When a terrorist leader decided to commit global genocide by unleashing a killer virus. He found gullible supporters to travel to every corner of the world and make sure as many people there perished. They did not know that their serum was just a placebo, they were meant to die as well and only the leaders prodigy was going to inherit the Earth. His mistake was that one of his men survived through natural immunity and when the man returned the plague he carried killed his friends. When they found that the serum was just a placebo, the man had a new goal, to shake his leader‘s hand.
In England Ray King watched his wife and unborn child die and cried. When she was buried and the tears dried up, he thought ahead and from then on it was the start of the Kent settlement. Over the coming weeks he found other survivors, some friendly, some not. As the settlement grew, so did the attacks from the settlement in London, whose leader had brought the plague to London and survived. It became clear that they had to go. Later they helped another settlement who had a problem with Cannibals.
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