著者:Traci Kendall


Do you believe you have a reason for being alive? Do you know your purpose? If you don‘t, are you seeking it out?

I want to encourage you to not just exist, but live the life you were created to live.

It takes time and effort to discover the real you. It will cost you something to get the life you really want. But when you discover it and you live it out, it will be so worth it!

The things you are doing everyday and spending your time on, make them count. If it is not taking you toward your destiny, then why are you doing it?

If it is taking you toward your destiny, if it is making you a better person, if it is benefiting your future, than go all in with it. Put everything you have into it. Study, learn, grow and change into that person that you are truly meant to be.

Don‘t cheat yourself any longer with useless things that are wasting your time.
You are going somewhere in your life, make sure it‘s the place you want to go. And that is determined by what you give your time to now.

Start doing things that will benefit your future. And don’t let anything stop you.

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