著者:Urii Orlov


A descendant of Russian aristocrats, Urii’s life was threatened before he was even born, and from that point on, it was filled with violence, anger & physical challenges. Becoming a troublemaker on the streets of Odessa, Ukraine, seemed like the only way to stay alive, but it didn’t feel quite right.

Struggling to find his way, he seeks work in a strange country only to find that home is calling him back. Through it all, he finds hope and redemption in the arms of a crazy woman who gives him the greatest gift of all.

A chance meeting with a distant relative at his grandfather’s funeral shows him a criminal life that he could have chosen but didn’t. The life of his friend becomes a terrifying adventure as Oleg falls into the world of some of Russia’s biggest crime lords. He unknowingly sets himself on a course that will find history repeating itself as he faces a death squad determined to kill him.

What happens when a criminal tries to do the right thing and the police turn out to be the bad guys? Otherworld visions make him vow to turn his life around before it’s too late. Will his vow to change his life save him or will the Russian crime bosses get him first?

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