著者:Rick Conti (著) › Rick ContiのAmazon著者ページを見る 著者の作品一覧、著者略歴や口コミなどをご覧いただけます この著者の 検索結果 を表示 Rick Conti


A boy with no past finds himself on an endless bike trip looking for the truth about his life. Having discovered his name, most of his past and future are still a mystery. Follow his journey as he travels bike paths from town to town, trying to assemble the jigsaw puzzle of his life. On the road, he finds new adventures, new friends, and new dangers.

In this fourth and final installment of The Endless Cycle, he has at last found the clue to the location of his family, but each of them has a problem that prevents them from getting back together. Will the boy who has done so much to help others be able to help his own family?

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