著者:Lee Hedger

So you’ve said yes to a track day, you’ve got the car, booked your first session and have no idea what to expect, what to do now or how to make the most of the money you’ve spent. You’re excited, but nervous about looking like the “newbie” at the track, or worse… upsetting the experienced racing enthusiasts and causing uproar in the pit lane.
The problem is, you couldn’t spot an apex if it leaped out in front of you. You don’t have time to get your head around the mindboggling array of race engineering terms out there, and you certainly can’t justify spending yet more hard-earned cash on all the gadgets and gizmos that your fellow drivers believe are essential.
But don’t worry, relax, take a deep breath, I got you.
In less than an hour, you will understand the simple steps you need to follow to safely get you through your first track day, avoid making the most common mistakes, and learn how to improve your lap time with each session you drive.
This is not a book about racing. This book focuses on track days, where racing other drivers is most definitely NOT the aim and is in fact heavily frowned upon.
It focuses largely on what you, the driver, can do to achieve the best lap time possible without spending a fortune on expensive parts, specialist tuning tools, and unnecessary kit.
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