著者:Harri Wolff


Forex (FX) is an abbreviation for Foreign Exchange, and Forex trading refers to the trading of currencies from several countries against each other. With over USD 2000 billion traded per day, Forex is the world‘s largest market, dwarfing the stock market, and the best part is that it is open 24 hours a day! So, how can one make money in the Forex market? Profits are made by gambling on whether one currency will rise or decrease against another.

It is widely assumed that the best money-making chances exist with the most commonly traded currencies, notably the US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The Australian Dollar is referred collectively as the “Majors.” Previously primarily available to huge financial institutions and corporations, Forex is now open to the general public thanks to the prevalence of the internet and, as a result, is an excellent opportunity for investors to grow their money.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a large sum of money to begin trading Forex. Some folks begin with as little as $200.

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