著者:Irapua Santos Ribeiro (著) › Irapua Santos RibeiroのAmazon著者ページを見る 著者の作品一覧、著者略歴や口コミなどをご覧いただけます この著者の 検索結果 を表示 Irapua Santos Ribeiro


How familiar are you with mountain biking? How can you improve in the sport? What should you consider when choosing a bike? Can you perform the main riding techniques? Have you ever fell off and didn‘t know why?

Mountain biking starts as fear and exhilaration and turns into a passion. If you have ever talked to someone who lives into the sport you may have noticed this. And it‘s a strong and healthy passion, that becomes a good habit if practised properly.

This book brings an overall of 64 tips and 37 techniques to choose a bike, learn how to ride, enhance your skills and preserve your own health and equipment while practising the sport. Additionally, the author provides some insights on his previous bike trips and gives basic guidance to help you plan your own remarkable adventure.

Improve your knowledge and ride safer and faster, or take your new skills to unbeaten tracks, challenging yourself. Read it and let your mind fly over the pages as your bike will flow over the trails.

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