著者:Elizabeth Perkins


This book is like no other, Dr. Elizabeth Perkins, Prophetess, Pastor, Teacher, Author and Poet takes you on a real life journey of what really happened when she was diagnosed with HIV. She comes clean about how her disobedience and falling into sin almost cost her everything including her very life. She carried the shame she only heard others talk about when it came to being infected with HIV.After she experienced many days and many nights of battling this sickness, bled for thirty-eight days and endured months of carrying HIV, God gave her the miracle of her life. It was not man. It was not the doctor. It was God. He healed her. In the end of this journey and hard lessons of life, Prophetess Elizabeth Perkins discovered there is nothing too hard for the Lord, if you only believe in miracles as she tells her true compelling and convicting story.
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