著者:Francisco Runkel

Know that feeling of your heart beating faster in response to a stressful situation? Or perhaps, instead, your palms get sweaty when you’re confronted with an overwhelming task or event. That’s anxiety — our body’s natural response to stress. In this insightful and highly practical guide, the author, an experienced happiness researcher, and anti-stress expert distills his years of experience helping people heal their psyches and deal with their issues. You‘re going to discover a toolbox of both time-tested and cutting-edge techniques to help you work through your anxiety issues, deal with your fears, control your panic attacks and become the best version of yourself. Whether you‘ve tried everything under the sun to keep your anxiety and panic attacks at bay without much success, or are simply looking for effective methods to help you process unhealthy and negative emotions without breaking a sweat, there is something in the pages of this guide for you.
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