著者:Valerie Lockett


Justice comes in many forms. Sharon Hilton was fond of her son Larry Hilton that she forgot she had two other kids. Rose Hilton and Jaguar Infinity from a previous relationship. Her son Larry was ripped from her arms by a cop. He got off simply because the Alphas were not in town that day. The courts knew that, and they used that time and decided the public with lies. Sharon cried every night about her on. Rose tried to help but Sharon did not want to be comforted. Roe did the only things he could do. She went to the only people that could make things right and give them justice for Larry. The only problem was Rose was warned by her mother to stay away from the Alphas because they were dangerous men. Rose had a choice to make go to the alphas and set the wrong right or stay away from them and listen to her mother continue to have a broken heart about her son. Rose would on find out her decision would reveal secrets she never knew as hidden from her. If rose decided to choose the alphas, how would she pay them to make things right. She had no money. Roe was in the world of hurt and lost what was she to donow.
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