著者:Dame DJ


We are living in ‘Bubbles‘ the property, student debt, car, bond, & stock market bubbles are all going to pop leaving us drowning in debt.
Our possessions have ended up owning us, rather than the other way around. We live homes we slave for to make the payments on but instead we should liberate ourselves from the crushing burden of the rat race.

Author Dame DJ successfully makes that journey into a smaller and happy home with the drama, misery, tears and fear of downsizing.
No one wants to downsize they want to Upsize but thats not going to happen in todays economy so she’s put together all her tips and advice.

Its funny, uncompromising, direct and clear with plenty of personal anecdotes, and breaks down the entire process of moving, choosing, and decorating your new home into practical, easy-to-understand tips;

Move before you have to and do it once.

Keep your money, find some simple pleasures in life, live longer and enjoy.

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