著者:Fred Ray


Web pages can create multiple ways from scratch or at based on an existing template. AT in the latter case, as well as in the first, you can be a problem at testing the created document, So as generated links tend to be wrong. This problem can already be solved not editor, a ordinary reviewer WWW.
If you have a collection of pictures, backgrounds, markers and separators then creating Web pages is a very exciting activity. Besides all this, remember what you definitely you need software to convert ordinary text files in files format hypertext markup language.
Good editor Web pages should, with one hand, let edit the code HTML, and with another — browse produced by such way changes in mode direct viewing.
If you are starting from scratch, then you must enter or import text into document, format paragraphs place Pictures. All Pictures and text files persist in one directory. Then all this economy heading off to your supplier Internet on the his Winchester.

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